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Saturday 22 January 2011

yeah about that.
How To Be Famous On Club Penguin. This Club Penguin Guide will get you crowds on Club Penguin, and you will be famous on Club Penguin!
1: Make Videos- make videos about popular stuff on Club Penguin. Look around at other Videos that have lot’s of views, comments, and subscriptions.
2: Make a Club Penguin Website, This is one of the best ways of being famous on Club Penguin, Penguins will remember your blog, and visit it for the latest cheats!
3: Have Parties-If you have parties and people enjoy them, they will follow you and you will get a crowd, and they will want to keep partying with you. And will know you from parties. Remember when you’re having a party and you can’t record, just say ‘I’m recording!!’ and you will get crowded in seconds.
4: Be Nice-If you be nice to other people, everyone will like you. And say that you’re their best buddy, and they will feel lucky that you’re their buddy. Complement something that their wearing, or say their really cool or something like that.
5: Take part in events-If other people are making something like ‘Blue Ice Warriors’ or ‘ACP’ they will remember you from it.
6: Wear rare items-lot’s of Penguins admire rare people, especially if you have a ‘Beta Hat’ or ‘Hawaiian Lei’ or ‘Shamrock Pin’ If you don’t have any items of the above, don’t worry. Just wear your rarest items.
7: If you ever get a famous penguin add you, keep partying with them!When they make videos, be sure to appear in their video, and include their name in the video title.
8: Make Club Penguin Clones, People will remember your clones, and remember you!
9: Be friends on YouTube with popular Penguins channels, and subscribe to them, and get them to subscribe to you. That way, visitors on the popular penguins channel with visit your channel!

1 comment:

Coolpoo78 said...

This is Coolpoo78- you copied this from my website.